PDFCool Studio Help
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Drag to Move Pages

PDFCool Studio allows you to move pages by dragging in the same document or different documents.

1. Move pages in the same document

Please follow the steps below:

a). Click the ˇ°Pagesˇ± Tab to make the page thumbs visible;

b). Choose the pages you need to move with Page Selector or Ctrl + Click on the page thumbs;

c). Drag the selected pages on the page thumbs to the destination page.


2. Move pages in different documents

Please follow the steps below:

a). Adjust the position and size of the document panes to make the page thumbs, which need operating, visible(please see the screenshot below);

b). Adjust the page thumbs of the destination document to make the destination page visible;

c). Choose the pages you need to move with Page Selector or Ctrl + Click on the page thumbs;

d). Drag the selected pages to destination page of the destination document.

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